mercredi 24 septembre 2008

Week 3 Day 3

This morning, Alexandra started her homeschooling by working on her very own workbook! She had been asking to also have her activity books to work in so I got them out for her. She did p. 2-3 of Hooked on Phonics, Colors and Shapes. She learned about the color red.

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Then, we read *Zoé et Théo au Zoo*:

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And The Frog Prince:

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And completed her routine with playing with the Caillou Logico game:

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Zachary started a brand new Singapoe Math book, 2A! He was so very happy about that. He did p. 4-5, lesson 1. He also did the last page of Explode the Code B, p. 78. And, p. 2-21 of HWT.

mardi 23 septembre 2008

Week 3 Day 2

Today, Ali played with the domino game again. She really likes all the animals on it. Then, we read *The Little Mermaid* from the same book in English. Followed by a French book: *Zoé et Théo à la Ferme*:

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Finally, she did this really much harder puzzle of Strawberry Shortcake:

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Zachary did p. 78-80 of Singapore Math, p. 76-77 of Explode the Code B and p. 18-19 of HWT.

William did exercise 48, p. 114-114 of Singapore Math, p. 38-40 of Les Sons, p.23-25 of Trousse and p. 54-55 of HWT.

Catherine did p. 54-58, exercises 21-22 of Singapore Math, lesson 15-16 of Bled, read *Ralette Fait des Crèpes*:

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She did p. 3-4 of Explode the Code 5 and read *The Wish Fish*:

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She really enjoys reading right now which is really nice. Of course, most of her days are spent drawing. Some days, she does very little of anything else but that is fine with me. As long as she is happy and learning, she can draw as much as she wants to.

I finally found something I was looking for!

Since last year, I have been looking for a globe for the kids. I did not just want any globe, I wanted *the* globe. Sears has it but it was so darn expensive, I really did not want to pay that much (169.99$). So, a few weeks ago, thinking that I would never find it at a reasonnable price, I bought another model from Leap Frog. I really did not like it much. I guess it was because I really wanted the other one. I got it out of the box and left it on the shelf. I did not throw away the box, as I usually do. I am not sure why but two weeks later, the box was still cluttering the playroom.

Much to my surprise, when I went to the toy store in town, I found THE one I wanted. It was 76$! Wow! I asked an employee if she could put it in the back for me so I could come back and exchange it with the one I had bought only two weeks earlier. She said yes (I am a really good client, lol). I am so very happy now. That combined with the computer game I got the kids (Lapin Malin, Le Globe Magique) and Maps and Globes and Galopping Around the Globe, I think the kids and I are going to be having a lot of fun. Once the last two finally arrive, I mean.

Oh, here is a picture of our brand new globe:

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And the link to the info:

Week 3, Day 1

Another week has started.

Today, we started by watching Signing Time, volume 3, Everyday Signs. How fun it was to learn yet more signs. Soon, we will be able to communicate by signs only ... when we want to.

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Alexandra started by playing with the game Mix and Match again. She really seems to love it. We played several games before moving on to story time.

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Then, we read Sleeping Beauty from the same English book. Followed by a French book: Zoé et Théo; Joyeux Anniversaire:

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Finally, she learned about colors by playing with these:

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Zachary did p. 76-77 of Singapore Math, Explode the Code B p. 74-75 and HWT p. 16-17.

William did p. 112, exercise 47 of Singapore Math, Les Sons p. 34-36, Trousse p. 20-22 and HWT p. 46-51.

Catherine did Singapore Math p. 49-53 exercise 19-20. She also did lesson 13-14 of Bled and read *Le Bonhomme qui Souffle le Vent*:

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She finally got to start Explode the Code 5, lesson 1, p. 1-2 and read *The Sun and the Wind*:

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I am still waiting for my maps and geography books to arrive. I also ordered a few more books to go with SOTW. And, thanks to my friend Melissa, I ordered a program to learn latin. I hope everything gets here soon, I am so impatient to add to our routine. Within the next month, we will add Latin, geography and art.

Week 2, Day 3

Early this morning, we watched Singing Time, volume 2.

Then, Alexandra did a new (new to her, lol) puzzle that her sister lended to her:

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We then read the story of *Jack and the Beanstalk* for our English book. Followed by a French book: *Zoé et Théo, une Bouteille à la Mer*:

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Those books are so nice and easy to read. They keep my little girl wanting more, which is exactly what I want. Finally, she and Catherine played this game:

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Zachary did p. 72-75 of Singapore Math, p. 72-73 of Explode the Code B and p. 14-15 of HWT.

William did p. 110-111, exercise 46 of Singapore Math, p. 31-33 of Les Sons, p. 17-19 of Trousse and p. 40-45 of HWT.

Catherine did exercises 17-18 of Singapore Math, lessons 11-12 of Bled, read *Ralette au Feu d'Artifice*:

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And read *The Fox and the Stork* in English:

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Week 2, Day 2

Today, Alexandra wanted to play the new game we got with her Sonlight program so we did:

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Then, we read another story for the same English book: Rapunzel. She was very sad when the wicked witch blinded the prince and cut off the princess' hair. *Méchante sorcière, she said.

We also read another book for Zoé et Théo: Prennent le Train:

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And she played this game with her big sister Catherine:

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Zachary did Singapore Math, lesson 17, Explode the Code B, p. 67-70 and HWT p. 12-13.

William did Singapore Math p. 108-109, exercise 45, Les Sons p. 28-30, Trousse p. 13-16 and HWT p. 34-39.

I realise that it does not tell much of what the boys learned but as soon as I figure out how to get my scanned pages onto the blog, I will. I will scan many pages of their work regularely.

Catherine did Singapore Math p. 40-43, exercises 15-16. She did Bled, lessons 9-10 and read *La Cachette de Ralette*:

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She read *The Fox and the Crow* for her English book fo the day:

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Again, we watched Signing Time Volume 2. It is fun to see how much the kids are learning a new language. Even Mathieu has been singing away.

vendredi 19 septembre 2008

May not be regular at posting

but we are still working hard.

We have been busy with homeschooling and renovations. Hopefully, I will get an hour or so of free time this afternoon to update on our last two weeks. I have so much to share. And thanks to my friend Melissa, I now have ordered the perfect tool to learn Latin more easily.


lundi 8 septembre 2008

Week 2, Day 1

As written down on our new schedule, we started the day by watching Signing Time. It was fun to learn new signs, like play, stop & share. I did notice that the kids were bored on day 4 and 5 of the same dvd so I think that they will watch the same dvd for four days then on the fifth day, we will re-watch a previously learned dvd. That will give us a little extra practice. And, also on Friday, they will get a test to see how much they learned and remembered of the signs.


Well, seems like we got today off too. I had to take William to the hospital and it litteraly took most of the day. We got back home at 5pm. Ugh. Oh well, he is doing better, I am feeling more relaxed since I know my son is ok and we can homeschool on Friday instead. We took our day off on Monday instead of Friday. That is fine, it is why I homeschool after all.

Day 1 (Tuesday)

Alexandra started her homeschooling by doing William's big dinosaur floor puzzle. That girl really cannot get enough puzzles, lol.

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After that, we read another story for the book *A First Book of Fairy Tales* The Selfish Giant. She loved that story.

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Then we read *Zoé et Théo en promenade*.

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Finally, she played with these:

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Zachary started with doing P. 67-68 of Singapore Math then P. 66 of Explode the Code B. He is almost done with both books. He then finished with p. 10-11 of HWT.

William did p. 105-107 of Singapore Math, exercise 44. P. 24-26 of Les Sons and p.36-42 of Trousse and finished the day with HWT p. 27-33.

Catherine did Singapore Math, p. 35-39, exercises 13-14 then Bled, lesson 7-8 and read *Mistouflette et le Trésor du Tilleul*:

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Then, she read *Friends for a Princess* in English:

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All together, we did start the day by wathcing volume 2 of Signing Time:

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Another good day.

We took Friday Off!

Yep, after three days of homeschooling, I decided that we needed a day off. Having a day of fun is always fun, lol. Seriously, I thought we had done so good in those first three days that it would be nice to just play games, read books and watch fun movies. I bought the kids a new series that teaches them about evolution, men, the body, history and so much more and they have been watching it with great interest. Whenever they are watching it and Patrick walks in the house, he joins them and forgets about everything else. That is perfectly fine with me, I love getting time to write or read or take pictures or work on my cross stich project.

jeudi 4 septembre 2008

Week 1, Day 3

Alexandra did a Diego puzzle (it belongs to Zachary, who was happy to let her use it). We read these books:

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From this last book, we read the first story, Cinderella. And last, she played this game:

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Zachary did Singapore Math, p. 62-66 *Recognizing ordinal numbers*, Explode the Code p. 64-65 and HWT p. 8-9.

William did Singapore Math p. 102-104, HWT p. 22-26. In French, he did Les Sons p. 18-23 and Trousse p. 30-35.

Catherine did Singapore Math p. 30-34, Bled exercises 5-6 and read these books:

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I know the English books are very simple but it is important that she be able to understand all she reads. So, short is better for now. Remember that English is a second language even if I am homeschooling my kids half in French and half in English.

Week 1, Day 2


Ali did our big floor puzzle of Winnie the Pooh, the one I bought for Catherine many years ago:

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Together, we read these books:

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And she got to play this game:

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Zachary did P.56-61 of Singapore Math 1B, Matching events to day-time or inght-time. He did Explode the Code B, pages 62-63 and HWT, pages 6-7.

Wiliam did p. 99-101 of Singapore Math (Numbers to 20), HWT pages 12-21 and in French, Les Sons p. 14-17 and Trousse p. 27-29.

Catherine did Singapore Math p. 24-29, Bled lessons 3-4 and read these books:

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And, of course, we all listened to Signing Time, volume 1.

mardi 2 septembre 2008

SOTW1: Introduction

Here we are, finally starting this history study!

Last week, I took the kids to a museum to learn more about fossils. We also went to look for fossils. It was a gerat experience and we learned a lot.

On Tuesday, we read the intro of the book then read this book:

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The kids are now working on their own family tree. Each one is making his/her own.

Week 1, Day 1

Here is what we did today:

Alexandra played this game. Since it was easy for her, I decided to mix a few puzzle sets of logic to make it harder. It was not really. Not for her. She has been making puzzles everyday lately and constantly asks for more.

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We read two books, one in French:

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One in English:

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And finally, she played this game card, her favorite. She always says how good she is, lol.

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Together, we watched and practiced our sign language:

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We will be watching this one every morning this week. I am hoping that by Friday, the new signs will be learned. So far, so good though because some of those signs were learned from the Baby Signing Time dvds.


Catherine has done so well today, she really amazed me. Last year, she did not like doing math that much. So, we find ourselves still working on the second grade math books. That is fine, I do not believe in forcing kids to learn when they are not ready. I was proven right in this way of thinking because every math page we did earlier, Catherine understood right away. She did much more than I had planned. So, she did *Numbers to 1000*, exercises 1-7. She read her English book:

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I did not realise that I had not printed the Explode the Book 5 so no English today. I cannot print it now, the computer that our homeschool stuff is on is not working properly, I need to wait for Patrick.

In French, I decided to have her redo the entire book of Bled, CP/CE. I feel like an entire review is necessary. French is not her favorite subject, it is so darn hard to learn compared to English. Because we homeschool, I can permit myself to have her redo that book, just to make sure that she knows all the rules and such. It worked really well too, she did two lessons plus we had a spelling test and she did amzing, again. This is really the right thing to do. We are in no rush to get the second book done so why not? Btw, the first book is for two years of French. It should get done by end of October.

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She read this book again (yes, again!):

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Zachary has to finish two activity books before moving on to the others. He did a few pages of Explode the Code C, Handwriting Without Tears and Singapore Math 1B. NOthing for French right now, I still have books in boxes here.

William is doing book 2 of 7 in French (Trousse the Dépannage en Lecture). He loves those, much more than the Les Sons series but that lat one is the one teaching him to read. He also did a few pages of Singapore Math and HWT. No Explode the Code for him either today.

I cannot wait for all our boxes to be emptied and all our books to be at the right place on our new (future) shelves.