For French, we are continuing to use the Bled series, as it is the very best:
I also got her the red collection of books of Ratus because she loves to keep on reading stories about the green rat:
In English, we are using Sonlight as usual:
I also got her the Electives as she loves anything that has to do with art, painting and music:
And, just to make her very very happy, I got the ARTistic program:
As for math, still using Singapore Math but she will be finishing level 2 before moving on to level 3:
And for writing, Handwriting Without Tears 3:
I think she is going to be happy with her curriculum. Of course, she still has some things to complete from last year first.
2 commentaires:
I am excited that you have a homeschool blog now! :)
How do you like Singapore math? Can you describe it for me? How much do you usually spend each year for curriculum?
Melissa :)
Thanks Melissa. I think it was a great idea, it will be so simple for the evaluations and it will help me keep better track of our learnings.
I love Singapore Math. I think it is a great math program for the kids. For them, it is not even learning, it is having fun. I use our manipulatives whenever I can and the kids just think it is the best part of the day. If you go to Sonlight's website, you can see some sample pages for each level.
How much do I spend a year on curriculum? Do I have to answer that? lol Really, as much as I feel we need to. I do budget but I also try to buy a little each month. I did not do that this year because of the renovations.
For September, I plan on getting a laminator, more Usborne books and another order from Amazon for our SOTW project.
I think the reason why I do not mind spending so much is because I have many kids that will all use what I buy. And because we love to read so much.
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