I took a few pictures of some pages, to show how it works.
And now, I am going to transcript what it says on the back of the book:
Your children get immediate results with Sequential Spelling. (...)
Through six progressive levels of difficulty, Sequential Spelling never askd your students to *study* more words, only to spell them. As students recognize more and more patterns and begin to spell words correctly that they've never seen before - all without *studying* - their confidence and spelling skills soar!
Volume 1 is a great starting point for most students because, while students might be eady to spell a complex word (like frightened), they will learn best by mastering the patterns words follow throughout English spelling. Note that volume levels do not necessaraly correlate with grade levels.
Some of the patterns covered in Sequential Spelling, Volume 1: -in, -et, -et, -ot, -ay, -ime, -and, -ight. Reprensatative words your children can expect to learn: beginning, disagreeing, permitted.
1 commentaire:
We use Sequential Spelling too! I use it with both Elijah & Rebekah, and we do it 2-3 times per week. I alternate between having them do the words orally, spelling bee style, and writing the words down. It's been very easy for Elijah, but Rebekah is learning a lot! I hope Catherine enjoys it!
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