So far, here is what is on my list:
New activity books of Singapore Math for the oldest four.
New activity books of Handwriting Without Tears for the oldest four.
SOTW2 - Text, activity book and cd along with all the books I will find to go wiht it and the cd from Jim Weiss
Teaching Tank - at least several books
Lyrical Life Science 3 and Earth Science 1
Biology, Botany coloring books
Math Unplugged cds (addition, substraction, multiplication, division)
Latin Primer
Vocabulary from Classical Roots
English from the Roots Up - book & cards
Sequential Spelling (depending on where Catherine is at come June)
Wordly Wise 3000 (see above)
I might get more books and another core from Sonlight but again, it will depend on where Catherine is at come June. I also want to get the third and last series of French books of Ratus and more reading books from Usborne. I would also like to get the collection of The Boxcar Children (only have the first one so far) and other reading books for the kids, in English.
Then, I wold like to get Pockedfull of Pinecones because it seems like a book we would enjoy. I also want to re-organise our craft corner and have found exactly what I want.
There are two different ones of this model (different supply) then two other models for smaller parts (all jars filled with supply).
I am sure I will find a lot more to get as I get through the new books, which is why it is such a good thing that I am starting to look and buy so early, lol.
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