lundi 31 août 2009

Day 1

Today was our first day. A new year of learning has begun. I hope I will be able to keep this blog updated much more regularely than I did last year.

We started the day with our China unit. I read them this book:

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Catherine started reading this one on her own. Her English reading skills are getting so good. I guesstimate she is reading at a grade 5-6 level now. Remember that she is French Canadian and English is not her first toungue.

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I then gave each of the kids a coloring page on the Chinese zodiac. Then, we took a small break to get the school room cleaned up (renovations still going on). Well, I got the room cleaned up while the kids went outside and put together a new *house* for the kittens. They spent HOURS on it. They even cleaned up the front porch. They played with the kittens, they drew sweet messages on the wall, the gave a bowl of water to the kittens, they simply had fun. I knew we had more homeschooling planned but I thought the first day should be more fun than formal. So, I let them have fun.

We will get more done tomorrow.

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