mardi 29 septembre 2009

4 different styles

I have four children homeschooling. Each get to do some writing each morning.

Catherine sits and gets to it but often looks around to see what is happening. She gets her pages done but it does take a certain time.

William whines and complains about it. He keeps repeating how much he hates writing and how useless it is. He gets it done anyway.

Zachary rushes through his pages, often having to erase everything and start over. For him, the faster, the better. Unfortunately, Mommy does not see it that way.

Alexandra sits down to do her page with great joy. She can spend an hour just on one page. Every letter is perfectly written. She will not let me look at her page until she feels it is how she wants it to look. Patrick and I amazed at how well her writing is. Perfectly drawned letter on the entire line. Perfect space in between each too.

Four kids homeschooled by the same mother yet all four have a different style. And get different results, obviously.

1 commentaire:

muguet a dit…

C'est tellement vrai chez nous aussi!
C'est ça la vie, l'identité de chacun et son unicité. Y'a de quoi s'émerveiller!
Une chance qu'ils ne sont pas tous pareils certains jours!